Averi The Antagonist

{October 2, 2012}   Happy October 2012

Hey guys,

Happy October. As usual, I haven’t been posting a lot, but I will now to make up for it. I promise I will blog regularly.


Meaning I will regularly come in every month or so and apologize for my lack of regular blogging. Not that you read this anyhoo.

So October. I don’t really know what I’ve got planned. A lot of things I have been doing since moving to art school.

It’s been really great here and I’ve been having a lot of fun. Also, I started vlogging recently on Youtube, so check out my channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/JustSayAl0ha

There’s not a lot up right now, but that’s cool.

Right now I’m watching the vlogbrothers on youtube. recently, they made their 1000th video, and i hadn’t been there the whole time, so I am watching from the beginning. I’m at February now though. I have got a long way to go. And I am going.

I have a lot of youtube ideas and stuff, but I can’t decide on what to do. Unfortunately, I have to decide soon because I need to write the script so I can go over it in my head.

Also, I’ve decided to take Carrie Hope Fletcher’s book challenge and join the October Club. I haven’t chosen my books yet because 1) I’d read the first two books Carrie Hope Fletcher said she was reading, and 2) I didn’t want to read books I had already read, even though i’d never reviewed them publicly, which I actually want to do one day. But for now, I’ll go to the library tomorrow and pick out a book for the week.

Anyhoo, that’s all I really have the energy to say because i am mindlessly watching vlogbrothers. But speaking of vlogbrothers I’m going to answer Hank’s annual survey:

1. Your name:  Averi

2. Your Web page: http://www.youtube.com/user/JustSayAl0ha

3. What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)? That’s such a deep question. One could go on for paragraphs or ages, but I’ll try not to be that long. I spent most of the beginning of the year watching most of my friendships fall to pieces as I prepared and then graduated from my senior year of high school, had a few great good bye parties, got addicted to Sims3 thanks to my best friend Kristin, then I had more good byes, and got ready for college and had my birthday-which happens to be on raywilliamjohnson’s birthday-and then two days later i took a painful 13 hour flight to new york city and started college. Now I’m about 6 weeks into college, I’ve made some friends, drawn some pictures, procrastinated, discovered netflix instant queue, saw some good movies around Manhattan, bought a BOGUS phone from Simple Mobile(bogus phone company) which was not only over a year out of warranty, but used and already pretty much broken. Also I started vlogging on youtube, and I have 4 videos out so far. I’m trying to decide on my next one, which I already said earlier, so you’re pretty much up to date.

4. How much longer do you think you’ll be doing what you’re doing?

I haev a feeling what are you doing was actually the last question, but that’s not what it said on google, but whatever. Anyhoo, I’m watching vlogbrothers and I will probably continue to watch vlogbrothers for the rest of the night…and maybe into the morning. . . . .

5. Why are you doing it?

because Vlogbrothers. DUH. nuff said.

6. What do you want to be doing?

Pretty much exactly what I am doing. I’m good.

Although, there really is a LOT that I want to do right now. I want to be a famous youtuber and make video collabs with more famous youtubers like the vlogbrothers, and ytf, and ryan higa, and lana mckissack and just about every other youtuber I watch, and plan on mentioning in further videos.

I would like to be an artist, making famous artist things. I want to read all the time, like all the books i want to read, and I want to buy all those books and i want to own a bookshelf room, which is a room full of bookshelves and full of books that are amazing. And I want to make more videos, but I kind of already said that, but i meant in the general sense of making videos, and I want ot draw more and i want to do some more comics and i want to finish my homework, but i dont want to DO my homework, but i do want to go to manhattan, and i want to travel the world, and i want to go to other countries, and i want to learn another language….. and i want to keep going with this list of wants, but i really shouldn’t. ;P

7. What’s next in your life?

heck if i know. Collaborations with epic youtubers, i hope. And… you know… the continuing of living under a roof, with food and money, and maybe school and/or a job. . . 😐

8. How You Doin’?

Fairly well. I have more or less finished my homework for tomorrow and i am, as i have said already a bunch of times, watching vlogbrothers, and they are hilarious.

9. What’s the best book you read this year?

Hm, I really don’t know. I would have to say it was most likely a John Green book, because after last year’s 52 book challenge, I more or less took a break from reading. it wasn’t that I really wanted to, it’s just that I had a lot to do. I think this year I have read the least amount of books I have ever read in a while year. 😦 I’m so disappointed in myself. I’m thinking about doing a 12 book challenge next year. We’ll see.

Oh, but anyhoo, my favorite book is one of the John Green books because he is slowly but surely fighting his way to my favorite author. Only thing is he’s got to beat Tamora Pierce, and I’m sorry John Green but that is just a tall order to fill. Write a few more books, you’re very close behind.

Oh, and i won’t tell you what book.

10. Describe a perfect day? Hanging out with awesome people who don’t suck and dont’ think that I suck, and maybe even think i’m awesome. 🙂

11. Assuming that all things come to an end…how do you think humans will go extinct? Well, I’ve always been told the whole sun thing. you know, the sun is going to explode in about 50 billion years, and assuming humans are there at that time, I’m betting that’s when it’s gonna happen. And if we’re not going to be around at that time….. I’m betting the end has something to do with money.

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?

I’m 18. I think they’re gross. (ie., they’re only adorable when they’re not yours!)

13 (- In this space, compose your own question, and answer it -)

Who is your favorite youtuber? Ryan Higa, AKA nigahiga. ♥♥♥ 😀

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?

I don’t know. I don’t know what ambrozzo is, and I don’t have the energy to go google it.

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?

A fool and her money are soon parted.

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?

waking up. Or using the bathroom.

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?

yes, I do actually. not as much as the typical or stereotypical nerd, but enough. I read the Ender series last year, as part of my 52, and I was very sad to see it end.

18 Cheese or Chocolate?

Chocolate. most def for sure(<- reference. ask to find out what)

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?

I would actually rather live everywhere. It is my dream to travel the world and stuff. Go to fun and exotic places.

20 What was your first concert?

I never really count it, but some celebrities put on shows for the military, so I’ve  seen Lt. Dan Band and Seether. But they were not in typical concert settings. Lt. Dan Band was in a small movie theater, and Seether performed at a family festival. 😦 Not really conert-like, so I usually say I haven’t really been to any concerts.

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?

That is such a tough questions because I feel as though I only have one choice, although that isn’t really the case. But if I had to chose, obviously it’d be something I like, so drawing, or making videos(altho i dont think i’d go very far just yet), or reading. Or internet browsing. If i could have a job jsut playing on the internet, that would be cool.

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?

As the majority of people have seemed to agree on, I’d say time travel. I dont say that because everyone says so, I just like time travel better. There’s just so much more possibilities. 🙂

23 What’s wrong with the world?

The level of suck is still too high.


That’s it WordPress. Hope to see you soon. :3

et cetera